Accredited with Grade 'A' (CGPA 3.04) by the NAAC (3rd Cycle)


Program Outcome-Bachelor of Arts (Honours)

Saraighat College offers three years Bachelor of Arts (B.A) Honors programs consisting of six semesters under the CBCS curriculum prescribed by Gauhati University. The college offers 9 honors programs, namely Assamese, Economics, English, Education, Geography, History, Political Science, Philosophy and Persian. The college also offers B.A (Regular) courses in the above mentioned disciplines along with two other courses, that is, Anthropology and Mathematics. The broad learning outcomes of these programs and courses are as follows:

• To enable the students to gain in-depth knowledge in the fields of humanities and literature and thus make them sensitive and sensible human beings.
• To acquaint them with social, literary, economical, historical, geographical, political, ideological, ethical and philosophical traditions and thoughts.
• To develop their communicative skills, both oral and written communication.
• To empower the graduates to appear for various competitive examinations or choose the post graduate programs of their choice.
• To grow research-related skills by inculcating a sense of inquiry and capability for asking relevant/appropriate questions, problem solving, define problems, formulate hypotheses etc.
• To develop critical thinking and scientific temperament.
• To inculcate moral and ethical values/awareness.
• To instill a sense of social responsibility and good citizenry.
• To motivate the graduates to seek lifelong learning by acquiring knowledge and skills, including learning how to learn.

Program Specific Outcomes

Program Name Program Specific Outcome
History: B.A (Honours) • The program would help the students understand the Historical method of study and investigations.
• It will provide the learners capacity to explain important events and happenings.
• Critical faculties of the students will be emboldened in the process of understanding the developments in Historiography.
• It will help expand the knowledge base about the History of India and the contemporary world.
• The program will help the students acquire an increased level of awareness about the current historical debates.
• Students will possess capacity to critically understand the issues important for regional and national levels such as concern over the identity, economy, polity and culture through the lens of historical perspective.
• It will facilitate the learners to get know how of different Career Opportunities.
Persian studies: B.A. (Honours) • Enables the learners to acquaint with the Persian language and literature
• It provides the learners capacity to communicate in the Persian language
• It enables the students to peep through the treasurers of literary world of Persian culture and understand various issues of past.
• The program helps the learners acquire professionally and ethically a very high standard to deal with the problems in daily life.
Economics: B.A. (Honours) • The program will enable the students to acquire knowledge of Economic System
• It will help the students to learn Mathematical and statistical skill in the domain of economics learning
• Helps the students acquaint with basic and applied econometric tools and methods
• Enables the learners to use economics in the analysis of developmental perspectives
• Provides the students knowledge of Indian Economics and related perspectives
Assamese: B.A. (Honours) • It provides skill in creative writing and empowers the learners with communicative skill.
• The program enables the learners to get expertise on different aspects of Assamese literature and give understanding of the important socio-political and cross-cultural issues.
• It enables the students with capacity to use linguistic criticism in literary expressions
• It makes the students aware of the society, culture, ethnicity and culture of the place they live in.
Philosophy: B.A. (Honours) • Enables the students to acquire knowledge about the Ancient Philosophies of World
• Helps the students develop the faculty of critical thinking to identify what is truth.
• Enables the learners to go through the ancient texts of Indian and other culture and get ideas of ethical values from the philosophical literatures
• Enables the students to practical aspects of human life and reality.
English: B.A. (Honours) • To acquaint students with a vast range of world literatures.
• To sharpen student’s critical and analytical abilities to interpret and analyse linguistic, cultural and historical background of literary texts written in English.
• To help students develop a broad humane outlook and form a better understanding of life and society.
• To understand the evolution and progress of Literature in England from the Middle Ages to the present times.
• To understand evolution and progress of world literatures translated into English.
• To hone students’ academic and critical writing abilities.
• To prepare students for numerous post- BA avenues like Masters in English literature, ELT, Mass Communication and Journalism , Law, Media Studies, B.Ed etc.
• To prepare students for career in teaching, publishing, journalism and others.
Political Science: B.A ( Honours ) • Understand the world, country society and have awareness of ethical problems, Social rights, values and responsibility to the self and to others.
• Take individual and team responsibility, function effectively and respectively as an individual and a member or a leader of a team; and have the skills of work effectively in multi-disciplinary teams.
• Understand and follow changes in patterns of political behaviour, ideas and structures
• Know how to access and evaluate data from various sources of information.
Education: B.A ( Honours ) • Acquiring skills in lucid presentation and ideas in Education, involving various social works which proves their social aim in Education.
• To gather knowledge about social stratification and prove their knowledge by project method.
• Imparting a sound knowledge of Education and the effects of attitude, behaviour and cultural cosmosis.
• To prepare students for higher studies in Education, Psychology, Sociology etc.
• Provides Graduates a basic training in teaching methodology and pedagogy.


ID Title Department View
35Course Outcome of EconomicsECONOMICSView File
34Course Outcome of PhilosophyPHILOSOPHYView File
29Course Outcome of AssameseASSAMESEView File
28Course Outcome of MathematicsMATHEMATICSView File
27Course Outcome of EducationEDUCATIONView File
26Course Outcome of TTMTTMView File
25Course Outcome of PersianPERSIANView File
24Course Outcome of GeographyGEOGRAPHYView File
23Course Outcome of Political SciencePOLITICAL SCIENCEView File
22Course Outcome of AnthropologyANTHROPOLOGYView File
21Course Outcome of HistoryHISTORYView File
20Course Outcome of EnglishENGLISHView File